Use the app
I built a No-code app called Mind Health using Glide to help people improve their mental health by challenging their negative thinking patterns.
Here's a personal story behind it.
I've been meditating (on and off) since 2013, and practicing cognitive-behavioral therapy activities since 2018 in conjunction with therapy to keep the demons at bay.
What has really helped me was the activity of challenging my negative beliefs by identifying distortions in the thought process.
At the start of the pandemic, I started illustrating the 10 cognitive distortions on Figma. It was a way to distract myself and channel my energies towards creation.
When I was done with the illustrations, I thought to myself – might as well create a Glide app for myself from this.
Since I've built apps in Glide before, it didn’t take much time to get a basic version functioning.
Now that it is ready, I've been personally using the app over the past few months when I have negative thoughts, even though they are less frequent.
I immediately feel better after doing the exercise.
What does the app help you with?
• Learn about a new cognitive distortion every day
• Become more mindful through meditations
• Get mental clarity by challenging negative thinking
It’s free, private, and frictionless:
• No sign-in required
• No user data stored
• No download or installation required, use it as a web app or add the shortcut to your phone or desktop
Source of Information
The source of information is Dr. David Burn's excellent book on the topic called Feeling Good. Highly recommend reading it.
This app shouldn’t replace therapy or medical advice. It’s a companion, just like the book.
Not everyone is aware of these concepts. I wasn’t aware either, 2 years ago.
I feel if it helps even one more person become aware of their negative thought patterns, I have achieved my goal.
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Use the app
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